Tibia and fibula fracture:
_ X-ray is a must!
_Depending on fracture conditions, traditional healing may or may not help. (in this case, refering to X-ray_ it CANNOT HELP_) the bone will 'fall" again in time
_I've seen 5 specialist orthopedics doctors and all 5 has same diagnosis. Surgery is unavoidable
2 incersion screws and one plate (fibula) with 5/6 screws
-I'm buying my plate and screws directly from the distributor (cash price RM 400 or USD 120/- approx. )
_Treatment /surgery will be at PUTRAJAYA HOSPITAL
WINDOw of time for surgery = 2 weeks max.
Symptoms : swollen leg at ankle.
The leg was put with a back-slab (half cast) and bandaged.
Normal procedure; Go to emergency, go see medical officer (M.O) and refer to orthopedic specialist doctor. (note: MR is higher than DR)
COST -inclusive surgery, warding. One night prior and one night after surgery.
_Assunta (expensive surgery) RM 14K (approx)
_University Hospital (public -RM 600) -depending on urgency and normally long queue
_University Hospital (private -RM 8000)
_Putrajaya Hospital (Public, full paying patient; RM 4000)