Happy 2009 all!
Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Wed : Photo a day
Item versus item.
Same words with separate meanings. Some love one more than the another. Strange but true.
Which do you love more?
Hmmm, judging from below;
-value for money
In the news,

Little did he know that his logo resembles a certain party of power in M'sia.
Raining Six to Five
Korean superstar singer/actor Jung Ji Hoon and owner of J.TUNE Entertainment officially launched his dream clothing line called "Six to Five" in llsan, Seoul on 23rd December.Credits: Popseoul, K-popped, Newsen, sixtofive1982, google,
Monday, December 29, 2008
Friday, December 26, 2008
Some learning photos. My project.

Hi ,
Happy New Year!
First of all, great attempt at the portraits. Each of us has our own style of shooting and I shall share my opinion but it is not to say it's ideal too yea.
1st portrait : I find that the lighting on the model's face is too flat. You have to play with lighting ratios to get your highlights and shadows. You could try to position the main light on the far right, 'short lighting' instead.
2nd portrait : Both 2nd and 3rd portrait is a bit tricky coz the umbrella is in the way. You would have to find a way to light the face correctly. The face looks a tad underexpose compared to the hand, which makes your eyes tend to wander of to the eyes instead of the model's face.
3rd portrait : The face is underexpose again. Have to reposition the lighting better to accentuate the face.
Hope this tips are helpful!
Thursday, December 25, 2008
Photo essay: The 2008 X mas party, special invite only.
Posting forum style
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Merry X'mas folks
Tuesday, December 23, 2008

I saw this luxury yacht docked at harbor, quay. (I got it at 800 x 400, but you gotta click to enlarge the photo).
Now, I thought to myself, how on earth, you're gonna own one of these?
1) Inheritance,
2) Marry a rich bastard.
3) Work hard to actually own one? (this seems a little far-fetch unless you're someone like Bill Gates, Warren Buffet, Semi-value)
4) Or you can pull off a great bank heist "chaos", Gotta love that movie.
5) Does renting one count?
I saw the boat hand hosing off seawater at the deck , the owner was sipping some wine, or beer chatting with friends.
This must be the biggest chick magnet! Move over if you have a Lambo, 306 cc, etc.
Travel the world on one, just avoid Somalia, off the Gulf of Aden.
On the other hand, maybe a Triton purchase can help me, after all, many says it looks like a yacht. (especially in white).

Wednesday : Heng Tai
Monday, December 22, 2008
My right ankle is still painful. Despite it's been 5 days. (maybe I'll go check it with an X-ray).
I can walk, but the swelling still there. My toes are fine too.
Just the damn swelling.
Saturday, December 20, 2008
SUNDAY: reading the_star
Re: the article below, Unfortunately despite the author's unhappiness, shift your thoughts to things you thought could change your life. You want money? you want power? you think you can be a better person with wealth?
Money and material items are only cherished when there is someone to share it with. Else, you end up bitter because of it. Money is the root of all evil. Not many believe in this anymore, most are just getting greedy and manipulative. They may lose more in life.
Sunday December 21, 2008 , THE_STAR
She hurt me!
IN February, I came to know a girl, L, who is a final year law student. I am 20 years her senior. Believe me, she is very mature, loving and caring for her age.I was divorced 10 years ago and have been single ever since. I have a PhD in engineering and an MBA in management; I’ve travelled and lived in a number of countries due to my work; and over the decades, I’ve met many women from all walks of life, races, and cultures – but never one like L. In April, we confessed our love for each other.
In June, I bought a RM480,000 condo that I planned to give to her when we got married – she knew this. And over the months, I bought her expensive gifts, such as branded shoes and bags, a watch and jewellery; I even booked one of Apple’s iPhones for her as a Christmas present. I also told her that I would buy her a BMW when she started working after her studies.
Make no mistake, she never asked for any of this. I just felt it was natural for me to do this for her because of my love for her. For your information, I have never done such things in my entire life for any woman.
In May and June, she said many sweet and romantic things to me. Then came July, the beginning of her new semester. Two weeks into it and my instincts told me that she was about to cheat on me: she became overly sensitive, and constantly hid calls and text messages from me. But when I confronted her, she strongly denied that there was anyone else.
But by the last week of August, I could no longer stand the pain. She had changed from a very romantic and caring person into a cold, indifferent one – and she didn’t even realise it.
I realised that her attention and feelings were focused on a guy in her class, Y. When I questioned her about him, though, she denied any romantic feelings for him, saying that they were just normal friends.
But I didn’t believe her and got a print out of her phone’s activitiy from her service provider. I discovered that during those same months when she had been saying sweet things to me, she had been sleeping with another guy! There were as many as 40 calls and 25 to 30 text messages between them in a single day!
And yet, she still denied that they are more than just best friends. What idiot would believe that?
When I returned from an overseas trip in September, L called me and asked to meet up again. She promised that she would turn over a new leaf and asked for another chance to prove herself after realising that I was the man for her and that she couldn’t bear losing me.
So we went to Genting Highlands to celebrate my birthday, and I had a wonderful time. And she was really a sweet angel during that time.
But I kept my cool, I waited for the October phone bill. And I found that she had called and sent text messages to that guy during the two days that we spent in Genting. Physically, she had been with me but her soul and sprit were not. She lied again!
I really don’t understand why girls nowadays are so hard to satisfy. We never quarrelled, we had a lot of fun, and we have great chemistry – yet, she has feelings for someone else. Is it because she just likes men her age?
When my first girlfriend left me when I was 23, I felt hurt but I could understand it because I was indeed very poor at that time, and she wanted someone who could offer her the best things in life, not just pure love. But in L’s case, I cannot understand it at all because I can offer all that while the other man – a kid – is poor. Yet, she was not satisfied with me. Why?
Mr Idiot
wedding Mah & Presis.

The preparation says it all.
A church wedding at the St. John's cathedral at 4 pm today.
Persis was married to Mah.
It was a traditional catholic wedding, with church bells and hymns.

The stare
I wondered if bread and wine was served. Alas, it was not.
The bride arrived at 3.45pm in a merc. (see below).

The one who cannot walk.

My dearest snapped some photos with my buddies. p.s: I was using clutches.
Thursday, December 18, 2008
Thursday : Ouch

Guess what!, I sprained my ankle.
It was a freaky accident as I lost some balance and transfered the weight onto one my right ankle.
Heard a "keraccck" sound.
I was shock, scared but still composed.
I did not have ice, hence I had to use the next best thing, Deep Heat gel and counterpain that I kept with my gears.
Good thing I had those. The pain was bitter.
Everyone was concern. My dearest was with me, (luckily). She helped me to the car, got me bandaged and later took extra good care of me. Even got me some supper.
The right leg is still painful, as pain can travel to the thighs. Ouch.
Hopefully I recover well and quick, age is catching up and these injuries are getting serious. That's life.
Pray for me ya. I'll pray too.
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Somemore vacation photos, small boats and an evening sunset.
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Dear dear wanted some photos.
The place was typical for shooting, and we had to wait for our rooms to be ready. Apparently there were some delays.
In the end it allowed us to explore the hotel and it's surroundings. Pretty interesting I would say.
Enjoy the photo, I tend to post more photos and less typing as I feel you readers might get bored.
One more thing, i was supposed to get a decent portrait sessions with flash photography which was brought along (heavy bags), but it was just too tiring for me to work on it later. :)
a pity.
Monday, December 15, 2008
Telaga Tujuh at Langkawi hike. (with GPS)
Langkawi Island Vacation photos (continue)

The links that I keep
Blog Archive
- 2009 first day.
- Wed : Photo a day
- Item versus item.
- In the news,
- Landslide victory in Bangladesh, Landslide in Mala...
- Some learning photos. My project.
- Photo essay: The 2008 X mas party, special invit...
- Posting forum style
- Merry X'mas folks
- Dream?
- Wednesday : Heng Tai
- Tuesday.
- SUNDAY: reading the_star
- wedding Mah & Presis.
- Thursday : Ouch
- Somemore vacation photos, small boats and an eveni...
- Dear dear wanted some photos.
- Telaga Tujuh at Langkawi hike. (with GPS)
- Langkawi Island Vacation photos (continue)
- Vacation photos, Langkawi
- Vacation time, December
- I'm in Kedah
- Images Wednesday, can you just enjoy and don't ask...
- It's Famous Tuesday Again.
- A wonderful weekend, thanks.
- Night photography- for the weekend.
- Thursday's Clown in Town
- Thursday:, 4th Dec, Merry X'mas pre-celebration p...
- Find something interesting WEDNESDAY ,
- Famous Tuesdays.