Most people are in the holiday spirit. It's actually good to know that.
Anyhow, it's been rather fun to be shooting once again. Fighting the crowd, other photographers non-withstanding. It's packed like bees to honey.
Too many photographers these days. So you gotta get up and going if you want to get your shots. I took these non-podium shots because I was trying out the camera.
AF was not too good using 2X tele-converter. It hunts a lot. Never the less, I managed it but it caused me some bad shots (non-paid job). What better place and time to test these combination.
Most of the shots were f2.8/ ISO 1000 / 1/60s, kinda rubbish really. Should have got it to 1/125 secs. (using a flash), but I got clumsy and lazy to bring in flash photography.
Hope you enjoy the photos better then. Ta-ta.
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