Saturday, February 21, 2009

786-drops (22.2.09)

Just prepared this shot in my make-shift studio and got the floor wet.

The title is 786 -drops (or droplets) but who's counting them, rite?

I positioned the flash (single flash) at perpendicular angles to my camera.

The settings are simply trial and error but this was 1/500 secs, to freeze droplets motion.

How one gets the water depends on creativity, you can use a hose, a bowl to pour or even a tea-pot.

Settings: ISO 320 (flash was getting wet and batt was low) , 1/500sec @ f 16-f18, manual focus is best. Use a tripod!

Remember to get towels as the camera gets wet. I wiped mine with tissues as well to absorb the stray drops.

Remember to have fun as well!

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