Thursday, February 12, 2009

10.2.09 Thaipusam at Batu Caves 2009

As you may already know, my dearest and I went to cover Thaipusam! Our first time too. I had the doubts to go because of traffic and fear of Kavadi bearers. (the grim sight of piercing). However, Kavadi bearers were in trance and they do not bleed. Amazing. Something I have never seen before. I arrived, parked the car (used the smaller one this time) and proceeded to walk about 500m~1km to Batu caves. The crowd was building up and I too felt the atmosphere was getting exciting (not chaotic). There were little/a few other races there, tourist maybe a few more. So I really stood out from the crowd. More so, when we whipped out our big lenses and camera. Yes, we took the bigger lens. Surprisingly, my leg allowed me to walk more than I could in shopping complexes. Must be the adrenaline. We covered an amazing number of shot and my CF card was filled. I had to switch over to JPEG as RAW can no longer accomodate. So here are my shots. Hope you enjoy them. We did!...Ouch

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