Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Getting better, slowly, 18.2.09

Moving moving!, originally uploaded by Kokenko.

Dear Blog,

While there is sign of recovery, my nose is filled with mucus, each inhalation consumes a lot of energy for the moment. Sometimes, resulting in brain freeze/hang.

" as I lay awake, my mind drifts into oblivion, the matter could not decipher thoughts due to this illness that resides in the lungs and in my esophagus. "

My appetite is building up, despite this illness that momentarily blocks the sense of smell and hence theoretically reduce the urge to eat. (this may be a new slimming theory).

So until I fully recover, I'll keep blogging short. Well, I have also officially resumed work. (that's not too bad)-relying on off the pharmacy rack medication.

Thanks for your support in reading my blogs too!

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