Monday, December 8, 2008

A wonderful weekend, thanks.

I did some photo-shooting (finally). These were captured at Midvalley, for Christmas is Here Fashion show.

Most people are in the holiday spirit. It's actually good to know that.

Anyhow, it's been rather fun to be shooting once again. Fighting the crowd, other photographers non-withstanding. It's packed like bees to honey.

Too many photographers these days. So you gotta get up and going if you want to get your shots. I took these non-podium shots because I was trying out the camera.

AF was not too good using 2X tele-converter. It hunts a lot. Never the less, I managed it but it caused me some bad shots (non-paid job). What better place and time to test these combination.

Most of the shots were f2.8/ ISO 1000 / 1/60s, kinda rubbish really. Should have got it to 1/125 secs. (using a flash), but I got clumsy and lazy to bring in flash photography.

Hope you enjoy the photos better then. Ta-ta.

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