Monday, January 26, 2009

26.1.09, What have I been up to?

Dear Blog, Huat ah!!!! It's Gong Xi Fatt Chai, first day of OX year.
  1. I've got numerous sms wishes
  2. I've woke up for an early morning chant at the temple ( a first for me)
  3. I've received my ang-pows, (don't really feel keen to take them this year).
  4. Pingu and Pitt Pitt wished me happy CNY. ( and dearest too).
.....Me at the temple, the signage says "Qing Liang Jing Yuan, chanting temple".

On another note, my CNY competition photo got disqualified due to technicality, (missing EXIF). It's not a huge set-back, but I did thought I could at least compete a little while until voting stages. Bunmmer.

Ox year, I'm blogging with great expectation for the Ox, it's a great time to be thankful and be grateful with that we are blessed in. If the readers do have this thoughts, then the greed and the anger/hurt/betrayal etc shall be lesser and lesser. We can make a difference. Don't be too materialistic.

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